Welcome to the temporary home of Fahrvergnugen...
Myself (Nic) and Stuart have long discussed doing something like this, and are finally getting round to it after months and months of threatening to do so. But I bet you are still wondering what exactly this is...
Well, in short, this is Fahrvergnugen, German for "driving enjoyment" (from fahren, "to drive," and Vergnügen, "enjoyment"), and was the advertising slogan for a VW advertising campaign in the early 1990's:
WikiPedia - Fahrvergnugen
Both Stuart and I are passionate, some would say bordering on ludicrously so, about Volkswagens having met a few years back at a Volkswagen Club of South Africa event and have become good friends. We both got more and more involved with the Volkswagen Club of South Africa , joining the committee, organising and running events, working on our cars, helping work on each others and sharing our passion for all things Volkswagen...
But something that we always felt, was a little lacking in South Africa, was merchandise like t-shirts, hoodies, stickers, etc. and besides the likes of The Highway Collective, no-one was really doing anything like we saw in Europe and the USA. And so the idea of Fahrvergnugen was born, as somewhere for local Volkswagen enthusiasts to get their merchandise fix...
And the timing could not have been better, as the founder of The Highway Collective has moved to the UK, and his good friend and co-founder, Brad, is following shortly. So Fahrvegnugen is taking over The Highway Collective brand in South Africa and has exclusive rights to distribute merchandise. For more information on The Highway Collective:
The Highway Collective
For more information on Fahrvergnugen you can mail: